
public final class UpdateAuthModifier<
    A: UpdateEndpoint,
    U: CorvusModelAuthenticatable>:
AuthModifier<A, U>, UpdateEndpoint

A class that wraps a Update component which utilizes an .auth() modifier. That allows Corvus to chain modifiers, as it gets treated as any other struct conforming to UpdateAuthModifier. Requires an object U that represents the user to authorize.

  • A method which checks if the old value and the updated value both belong to the user making the request.


    An Abort error if an item is not found.



    override public func handler(_ req: Request)
        throws -> EventLoopFuture<Element>



    An incoming Request.

    Return Value

    An EventLoopFuture containing an eagerloaded value as defined by Element. If authorization fails or a user is not found, HTTP .unauthorized and .notFound are thrown respectively.