
public final class NestedCreateAuthModifier<
    A: CreateEndpoint,
    I: CorvusModel,
    U: CorvusModelAuthenticatable>:
NestedAuthModifier<A, I, U>, CreateEndpoint

A class that wraps a Create component which utilizes an .auth() modifier. That allows Corvus to chain modifiers, as it gets treated as any other struct conforming to NestedCreateAuthModifier. Requires an object U that represents the user to authorize.

  • A method which checks if the user U supplied in the Request is equal to the user belonging to the particular QuerySubject.


    An Abort error if an item is not found.



    override public func handler(_ req: Request)
        throws -> EventLoopFuture<Element>



    An incoming Request.

    Return Value

    An EventLoopFuture containing an eagerloaded value as defined by Element. If authorization fails or a user is not found, HTTP .unauthorized and .notFound are thrown respectively.