public enum FilterStrategy<K, V> where K : Reflectable, K : Comparable, K : Decodable, K : Encodable, K : Hashable, K : Identifiable, V : Reflectable, V : ReflectionDecodable, V : Comparable, V : CustomStringConvertible, V : Decodable, V : Encodable
represents the filter strategy with the different options client, server and none filter
How to define a FilterStrategy
basic structure:
.strategy(FilterStrategy.Filter(operations: operation1, operation2, ...)))
client example:
let clientStrategy = .client(FilterStrategy.Filter(operations: [.lte(\!, 100), .gte(\!, )])))
defines a filter strategy where a fictional account class is filtered for 1 <= ID <= 100
You can only define the operations array where allKeyPaths
are from the same data type
specifies that the filter process is realized through a server route; the user has the option to specify an own translation function in the case
The configuration of an own server strategyURL
creation method takes precedence over theFilterStrategy
that is specified over theService
case server(Filter<K, V>, _: ((String, String, String) -> URLQueryItem)? = nil)
specfies that filtering is not wanted and the default case.
case none
represents a filter that takes a generic
See moreRESTElement
element to perform the operations: greater equal, less equal and exists, with the possibility to have more than one filter operationDeclaration
public class Filter<K, V> where K : Reflectable, K : Comparable, K : Decodable, K : Encodable, K : Hashable, K : Identifiable, V : Reflectable, V : ReflectionDecodable, V : Comparable, V : CustomStringConvertible, V : Decodable, V : Encodable