public class REST
    <Element: RESTElement,
    N: NetworkHandler,
    F: Filterable,
    S: Sortable,
ID: CustomStringConvertible >: LocalFileStorable where Element.ID == ID?

The property wrapper is used for automatic observation of a connected data structure that is automatically synchronized with the specified RESTful service in the Service variable. Filtering, Sorting or Caching the data structure is optional and can be configured with the initialization.

  • Paramaters:
    • Element: specifies the type of data structure that needs to be observed, it conforms to RESTElement which ensures that the data structure supports the needed functionality
    • F: specifies the type of data structure where a filter is applied on, it conforms to Filterable which ensures that the data structure supports the needed functionality
    • S: specifies the type of data strucutre that will be sorted, it conforms to Sortable which ensures that the data structure supports the needed functionality
    • ID: specifies the type of the ID from the Element
  • storagePath specifies the appendix of the storage location in the caching process.



    public var storagePath: String



  • The wrappedValue is the observed data structure and represents the connected data. This data will be synchronized with the RESTful service.



    public var wrappedValue: [Element] { get set }

Available where F == Never

Available where S == Never

Available where F == Never, S == Never

  • In the case that filtering and sorting is not needed, the generic Filterable and Sortable types will be both inferred as Never



    public convenience init(_ endpoint: Service<N>, caching: Bool = false)