
public protocol GRPCService

GRPCService is a protocol that is implemented to declare gRPC services that can contain remote procedure calls. This protocol requires services to contain a serviceName and provide a handleMethodmethod that maps requests to call handlers which can call the procedures.

  • serviceName Default implementation

    A string containing the services name.

    Default Implementation

    The default implementation of the serviceName returns the last part of the services class or struct name using reflection.



    var serviceName: String { get }
  • Returns associated call handler of the service for a procedure call name and the associated Vapor Request.

    This method is usually generated by the code generator for every GRPCService.

    Default Implementation

    The default implementation of the handleMethod method always returns nil. T This implementation should be overriden by the code generated for every service. The default implementation however is provided in order to prevent syntax errors before running the code generator and developers from implementing this method themselves.



    func handleMethod(methodName: String, vaporRequest: Request) -> AnyCallHandler?



    String with the name of the called remote procedure.

    Return Value

    An AnyCallHandler call handler that calls the requested procedure.